Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Princess 6th Birthday Castle

One of the doctors that my husband works with liked what I did with that practice blue monkey cake that I did a few months ago that she asked if I could make a cake for her daughter's 6th birthday.  Basically she gave me free reign to do what I wanted with the guidelines that her daughter really likes pink (as most 6 year old girls do).  I decided to go with a princess castle cake for the birthday girl, which both she and her mother loved!  Having as much notice as I did, I was able to order the shaped cake pan from Wilton in time to do this one, which hopefully I will use many more times now!  I figure I can always do a knight's castle for a boy too.  Here's the finished product. 

I included the candles that spelled out Happy Birthday which were held in the drops of frosting around the cake.

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